How to Register and Enable Contribution-based Social Security in Nepal?

In my previous blog, I mentioned briefly how one participates in the Social Security Scheme based on contribution. It is required that both the employers as well as employees should get listed. Here is what both the parties can do to get listed. However, it is important that the employer initiates to register itself for getting listed. 

A detailed user manual is provided by the Social Security Fund here. However, I would try to narrate it to develop a preliminary understanding on what needs to be done:

  1. For Employers
    1. Login to Social Security Fund Website 
    2. For signing up, goto Registration Tab and select Employer Registration, that allows you to fill certain details and receive your Submission Number. 
    3. Once you have your Submission Number, you can log into fill details about your organization
    4. The details typically include the following:
      1. Name of the employer
      2. Employer type
      3. Nature of the Employer
      4. Classification of Industry 
      5. Alert Source and value (email, mobile phone) in order to receive username and password upon verification
      6. Detailed address of the employer
      7. Enter and upload information about employers’ documents and/or upload documents
      8. Enter details of the chairperson 
      9. Enter details of the Chief Executive 
      10. Submit to save the entries
  1. For Contributors
    1. Register through Contributor’s Login
    2. Fill in details and receive a Submission Number 
    3. Enter details as follows:
      1. Image
      2. Name, gender, nationality, date of birth, blood group
    4. Alert Source  in order to receive username and password upon verification
    5. Employment Details 
      1. Type of Employment (Temporary/ Permanent/Wage)
      2. Position (Officer/Director/IT Officer/Manager)
      3. Detailed Address
      4. Contact Details (Email/phone/telegram/Mobile/Fax)- Add upon desired
      5. Nominee/Relatives (Father/brother/brother in law/Mother/Maternal Uncle/sister in law/husband/wife and their
        1. Name
        2. Gender
        3. Date of Birth
        4. Document of the Nominee
      6. Enter and/or upload Documents (Passport/Relation Certification Number/Birth Registration/Permanent Account Number)


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